Shrimp Basket

My Mom and I went out for more fried food today. This time, we went to the Shrimp Basket in Foley, AL. It is a small chain but the food comes to the table hot and fresh.

We started with corn fritters–hot and sweet and I totally wanted more. Very delicious. The fried shrimp were well seasoned although the cocktail sauce was weak at best. I had the server give me half sweet tea and half unsweetened but it was still so sweet it made my teeth hurt.

Lulu’s at Homeport Marina

I went out with my Mom to Lulu’s at Homeport Marina. This restaurant is owned by Jimmy Buffet’s sister and is very much as laid back as her brother’s music.

We had a fried food extravaganza–starting with fried onion ring and fried green tomatoes then moving to fried shrimp with french fries and jalapeno hush puppies. The batter used was great and the Wow sauce was quite good (sortof like a white remoulade).

My Cadillac margarita was very strong and smooth and the server was quick to bring out ice cold Bud’s every time Mom got close to the bottom of her bottles.

I was tempted by her new cookbook but there are a lot more reminiscences than recipes. I can always go back next time and grab one if I change my mind.